Winter Dog Grooming

No matter what time of year it is, dog grooming is important. Just because it’s cold out and they spend more time indoors doesn’t mean they can take a winter vacation, lounging by the fire and snoozing the months away. Upkeep is essential for their well-being.

Why is Winter Dog Grooming Important?

Winter grooming is even more important than summer grooming. It keeps them comfortable for this season and prepped and healthy for the next season. From their paws to their ears to their teeth and everything in between, be a responsible pet owner and think of your dog’s well-being all year round.

Keep Your Dog Warm and Dry

One very important factor which we, as professional dog groomers, are aware of, is when it comes to winter dog grooming be mindful of regulating your dog’s body temperature. Your dog should be completely dry after a bath or being in the water. Unlike the hotter months, dogs shouldn’t go outside to dry off. The longer a dog is exposed to the cold (Use caution when the temperature drops below 45 degrees Fahrenheit (around 7 degrees Celsius) the likelier he will experience a drop in body temperature and may even suffer from hypothermia. This occurs most often when a dog is wet and especially for short hair and smaller dogs.

long haired dog getting hair groomed

Protect Your Dog’s Coat and Skin

If you neglect them during the winter months, their hair grows and can become matted, especially when getting wet, trapping debris and stuff in the hair making it a pain to detangle in the months ahead. Matted tangles can also become painful for your dog. They tighten up as they twist more and more and can pull the dog’s skin underneath often resulting in hot spots or infections. Matted hair also doesn’t insulate or keep your dog warm.

Find the balance when trimming your pooch’s coat. Their coat should keep them warm and insulated in the winter yet, be brushed, healthy and shiny. Certain breeds should never have their coats shaved… double or triple-coated dogs, like Huskies, Malamutes, and Pomeranians should maintain their coats as usual. Their outer coats help them regulate their temperature. Inner coats provide insulation, but be aware that inner coats need grooming so, they don’t become compacted and trap water which could result in hyperthermia.

Just like we experience, winter months can dry out their skin. The dry air sucks the moisture right out of their coat and skin so, use a conditioner. This will also help when shampoos tend to strip the natural oils. If you’ve always used a conditioner during a bath, great. If not, winter is the perfect time to add an ultra-moisturizing conditioner to your dog’s bathing routine - and even better use a leave-in conditioner to provide a deeper treatment. This is especially beneficial for short hair dogs like bulldogs, boxers, pit bulls and pugs, etc.

Mobile Pet Shine offers a Skin Therapy Package for $25- This package includes a tea tree, soothe, oatmeal, hypo or dandruff shampoo for extremely irritated skin and a moisture- focused conditioner. Also includes paw balm.

Protect Their Paws

Check your pup’s paws. During these months they can become dry and cracked showing irritations, and developing infections caused by winter weather. Nails get brittle and break. Stay vigilant on the length of their nails. They’re not getting the “grinding” they usually do being outside all the time so, keep them trimmed.

There are many things that can contribute to dry paws. Each time your pet comes inside, remember wiping your dog’s paws off each time can dry out their paw pads quicker. When outside walking on salted roads, wet or snow-filled roads, you might want to get some booties for your pooch. They might fight this but, it’s an amazing protective barrier for the little paws. If your dog is braving the cold with naked paws, give them a wash in warm water whenever you come in from outside.

Don’t forget to check in between the pads where debris and dirt can get stuck in the hair and matted. Are the bottoms of your dog’s paws dry or chapped? Apply a paw balm. You can also rub on some balm before your walks, which provides a layer of protection when outside. You’ll still need to wash her paws off after you get back to remove anything that’s embedded in the balm.

Winter months should be a fun and safe time with your furry friend and it’s your job to be conscious about protecting them from the cold elements. Waiting to take care of grooming issues will only make grooming much more difficult. Plus, the more often your dog is groomed, the more comfortable he will be during the grooming process.

Mobile Pet Shine also offers a Paw Spa Package for $25- This package includes an exfoliating paw scrub, paw balm to smooth and seal cracked paw pads, nail grinding or a paw pad shave.

Request an appointment now to keep your pooch in great condition this winter!

winter pat spa packages

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